Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Of couse it one in the morring and your think what am doing up so late. My husband just got home and is making cookies. Do you think you could go to bed with cookies dancing in your head. Only a few more hours and the new year be here. I also just found out that I am Angel of the week December 30 to January 4. It great to ring in the New Year with a great suprise. I love it. Any how I end up going to the doctor on December 30, 2002 and had my feet frozen. I have to come back in two weeks to get it done again tell my sours on my feet are going, what fun that is.

Anyhow I had a great day. I help my firend Clarice get a date tonight he ask her again to have other date on Wensday, I hope she go thou with it. He sould realy nice the way she talk about him. But who knows. I got a bad cold. On December 29, 2002 and it just got worst tonight. Yuck can't wait till it over not the way to enter a New Year. Well I better head off to the kitchen to find me some cookie's and milk before I go to bed. I know bad for my weight eat just before you go to bed.


Thursday, December 19, 2002

Today so far is very well. Carolann took her first class called "Indoor Playground". It is were the little ones play in this big room. It went very well, the only sucky part was that Carolann was the only girl there. There was a told of 6 kids 5 boys and my little one. It run by parents volunteers. Which need some training. I need to call about a class called "Mom & Me Dance & Movement Class" to find out what day, and when she can start. She will also be takinge a class for swimming too. But that will not start untel January. Any how get up early is the big suck part for home schooling. Well I need to go and find some thing to feed my baby. Hugs, Penny

Monday, December 16, 2002

I got my first blinkie that says, "I am a proud StepMom" I love it. It is so cutie. I all ready thank Dawn for making it for me. As you can see it to the left of my blog.

Anyhow, today is a pretty quite so far. Did not do to much this morning got up got everyone up and ready for the day. My husband had to go to the post office to mail out the last of the letters for Christmas cards. Then he went to the store to get me a bagel, yesterdays bagel were so good. I hope he bring me a hot chocolate too. Carolann and me are watching Dragon Tales one of her movies she has. She got them for last Easter from the Easter bunny. We also have to go to a birthday party tonight and see my niece Samantha. She is four today. She grown like a weed. However, Carolann not much behind. They're almost the same height.

Anyhow, I had better go my hubby back. Hugs, Penny

Sunday, December 15, 2002

Today did not do to much. Sat around and was lazy. A perfect day. Got some family tree entered. Got to sleep in till 10:30AM totally cool. Well of course staying up till 3AM did not help. Me and my husband went grocrie shoping. We bought alot of veggies and of course he bought me a hot choclete with a oatmeal cookie. yum I sure can tell I love food to much. I must be pregent! Not j/k. It was just a plan lazy day. I need to get back to read my e-mail and get my husband to enter more family tree for me. :)

Friday, December 13, 2002

Yesterday went okay. I went to see the Dr. and of course the diet I took did not work. So I have to go back afther 2003. But this next time am on it for 4 days. : ( If it don't work this time I giveing up! Am not going longer then 4 days. Hate the idea of going longer then 4 days.

Anyhow I end up talk to Trinette from Website Mommies over are Yahoo Messager. She really a great person to talk to. It also helps she the same age. Trinette been so sweet to me. She has all ready sent me two adoptions with are names on it. Ladybugs are the best. Yesterday she sent the best one. :) I also got a ladybug adoption from Kim. She a sweet too. Very busy most of the time. But this is December the busy month of all year. My blog is look great. I just need to get a blink with my name on it, that has ladybugs so I can give it out to other people.

Anyhow I better hit the bed. I need to go warm up and fall a sleep. Just hope the cat is not sleeping on my side of the bed.

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Hello everyone,

I have to go to my stupid dame appointment with the Dr. in two more days. Have to start my diet right now. Not very happy with that idea. I have to drink lots of water and am not someone that like water. I will be peeing all day long. Below I put down my day 2-diet rrrrrrrrrr. Hate the idea.

Anyhow, I meet a mommie from the same state as I am named Julie. So far, she sounds really nice. I met her thou Website Mommies. I told you that group get me in to trouble. Anyhow Julie sound a lot like me in ways but she is older then me, which sucks I do not know if she knows it yet. We both had kid's the same year and month in the same state. She had a boy on November 10, 1999 and mine was a girl on November 12, 1999 wired isn't it? I also found out she likes going to the Zoo, we even went the same day (not together). Now how come is that two people not know other share so much in common? I hope she not reading this. I be so imbarest. I mean I do not mind talking about the people, I met on the net. It somewhat cool. Last e-mail I give her we were talk about church. Maybe she's other one of them little angles that God had sent down from above to help me out with some thing. I just have a gut feeling there some thing about this lady that I only met today. Well in the few weeks or month I will know.

Anyhow, back to my diet I have to have here the list.

Light Breakfast -toast/English muffin with jam, juice or coffee with no additives (sugar, cream, milk, etc.) ***No Milk Products***
12:00 Noon - Lunch Includes only the Following: 1-cup bouillon soup with crackers. One white meat (chicken or turkey) sandwich (No butter, Margarine, mayonnaise, lettuce, etc.) 1/2 glass clear apple or grape juice, one serving of plain Jell-O (No cream, fruit, or other additives.)
1:00 PM - Drink 8 oz. Water or more.
2:00 PM - Drink 8 oz. Water or more.
4:00 PM - Drink 8 oz. Water or more.
5:00 PM - Supper Only the following: 1 cup bouillon soup with crackers, 1/2 glass clear apple or grape juice, 1 serving of plain Jell-O (No cream, fruit, or other additives.)
6:00 PM - Drink 8 oz. Water or more.
7:00 PM - Drink 8 oz. Water or more.
8:00 PM - Drink 8 oz. Water or more.
10:00 PM - Drink 8 oz. Water or more.

See how this diet stinks. In addition, it gets worst the next day. Which am not going to write down you have to just image it. : (

Thursday, December 05, 2002

Today went okay! I had a depressing day! Which is because I miss Sharon the child I call my own. I just wish she knew how much I loved her. I know someday she will know.

Anyhow today I had to fold some more towels and got in a fight with my husband today. Which did not help at all.

I went through our room today looking for some stuff which is piled high with family tree. Which I need to get the stuff entered, and not have so many papers around. Giggles yea right family tree never ends when you begin.!

Not to much happed. We had for dinner was salup potatos and chicken. Which was okay my mom made it.

My baby Carolann fought me again about going to sleep. I think am going to not let her see Monsters Inc. any more. She now allways say there moster in her room. Which she never said before. I need to try to get Carolann's room ready for the bunck bed in her room. I think shes old enough for the big bed and then she have more room in her bed room.

Any how I better hit the hay. I need to get up early to go to Wal-Mart to put down a trampoline on layaway. It's are family gift.

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

I got up today have a lot of work on my hands, I had to do all the towels. Only one left to go that in the dry. Maybe my hubby will fold them for me. Did dishes, plus clean the girl's room. Also my Mommy took me out to get a tree for the house 25 dollars for a 7 footer. But it looks great were we put it. I call it are apple tree lol. Because are decrate are of apples safer with kids when the little one Carolann keep take them off. Not bad for a poor family. Anyhow we had left over for dinner witch was very good. I love spegetti. Little one went to bed good tonight. I like that Idea. I hope I did not speck too soon. O yea about the tree again it was so cutie my baby girl Carolann love the tree so much she start talk to it and hug it and read to it. Well she only 3 but it was so funny. I wish I had a video camera to show her when she got older. Giggles I am so mean.

Monday, December 02, 2002

Were to start? I got up this morning to get ready to go to the Dr for a follow up with my neck and other things. I had got some blood test done. Witch such I hate needles, but my baby Carolann was there tell me it was okay she more grown up the I am about needles, and she only 3. She keeps telling me it okay mommy I make you all better. She was so sweet. I have to call back in a week to find out the results. On top of that, He made me have three more appointment with the Drs., which are not going to be the best day for me. The next Dr apointment is on December 12, 2002. No fun I have to go on a no food diet or little food for 3 days. Cannot wait tell it all over.

Anyhow, we went to pick up my baby girl's photo up at Sears in Clackamas Mall, Oregon. Then we got home and of course, I check my mail and I have over 90 e-mails all from Website Mommies. Dame we all talk too much. Yesterday and part of today some of the women give me some good link to some ladybug pages. I think about re-doing my whole page after Christmas. If am lucky maybe I be able to get my own set made. Hope Hope. I love all them country grafics out there. It just gets hard to find linkware country graphic's because of them get stolden or abused. I hate that. Maybe I get lucky and get some one I know to let me use one of their graphics sets. That have lady bugs on them, or a cutie little family photo of me, my husband Mike, my two girls Carolann and Sharon, and are baby cat ziggy. Giggles hit hit (hubby)!

Anyhow my baby Carolann got grandma to go to the store for her to buy some spegetti that are favorite food or list that my favorite after visit my great aunt Myrtle. She makes the best meat ball speggetti. I love it ever sense.

Anyhow I need to get my little one to bed and in to pjs. Of course she not what to go to bed like normal. Hugs, Penny
Gosh I have been reading e-mails all day from Website Mommies, this is one group that I love. They talk about families, and family updates. Well I give my December Buddy a blog page I made her hope it be up soon. I what to add some more to it she does know it yet. Shhh don't tell her. I had to take a brake from the computer, to have pizza, and get my baby ready for bed. In addition, I got to get ready to watch Charms, my favorite show. I love watching movies, I have two movies on VHS and DVD that I love one called "Craft" the other is "Practical Magic" with Sandra Bullock in it. She is such a good actress. I my self need to work on my blog and get more blickies, with ladybugs on them. Anyone out there what to adopt a ladybug for me please do and send it to me. I also need to get in to my family tree and do some work on enter info. I don't know if I should add a page about a few of my past family members that enter the other world we know of as "Heaven". I just have to figure it out, and how to do it. Any how, I better make sure my little one ready for bed or possible if am luck a sleep... wish wish wish...... Hugs, Penny

Sunday, December 01, 2002

I have to thank Tina for the html for this blog code. It so much better looking. Check out her Blog. Her Blog is so cool. I stay up realy late work on mine till about 2:00AM this morring. The on top of that I got up at 8AM when my husband was tell me to scoot over. Because my baby girl Carolann wanted to get in bed with us. She did not sleep well last night. One is because she got in trouble before she went to bed so she had bad dreams all night. I think I ran in to her room like 15 times before I went to bed. Of course my lovey husband must be on a kick with breakfast on eggs, potatos, and toast. Yummy but am start to fill fat. I hope he make something small tomorring. Not to hurt his feel at all thou. I love his cooking. I also got my December Buddy though Website Mommies today. I am going to love it. I still got to look around today and find her first gift. I hope she like it. I know of this site that has alot of bears I think about make her December page out of one of the sets. Shhh don't tell her thou. Wow I got a lot more e-mail to read today.

P.S. I got my Dorothy Bear today love it. It so cutie look for it on my "over the rainbow" page. She so cutie.