Alejandra Lee Garcia-Zeigler was born October 12, 2005 we went to see her today at the hosptial! She is so cutie and has so much hair! Just what to share it with all of you! Hugs, Penny
My name is Penny Zeigler, formerly Penny Briggs. I am 28 years old and I was born in 1979 in Salem, Oregon, but raised in Woodburn, Oregon. I was born with a communication (speech & language), and specific learning disabilities oral expression, written expression, listening comprehension, basic reading skills, and mathematics calculation), because of that I have had an emotional disturbance, since the 2nd grade. I was given a behavior specialist until graduation from High school. I went to Camas High in Camas, WA and in 1998 I Finished High School at Woodburn High in Woodburn, Oregon, started working for Goodwill, as a cashier (until I got pregnant), met a nice guy off the internet (in a yahoo chat room). May 1999 we moved into my parent’s house. November 12, 1999 I had a baby girl named Carolann. March 4th 2000 I got married to that wonderful guy off the net (he is also the father of my child). In June of 2000 I started working at the Woodburn K-Mart till it closed in November 2000. In 2003 my husband and my child and me moved to Mt. Angel, Oregon stayed there for 2 year then we moved to Salem for about a year. In November of 2005 we moved to were we live now in Portland, Oregon.