Friday, April 01, 2005

One last post tonight before I go off to dream land....

I been work very hard on my new website and my Ladybug blog. I spent most of the day after Mike went to work on it. I still have a long ways to go. I did not realize how much I had at all my sites. I also had to do a lot of update because of some new rules on the web about graphics and adoptions. So if anyone reads this, please e-mail me if am I miss something that is suppose to be protected.

Also between all this I watch a movie with my daughter called "The Perfect Husband The Laci Peterson Story" It was all right not something I care to hear about all the time.

Just after my daughter went to bed and fell a sleep. The Elder from the Church came by. They said they could not come by tomorrow because it Stake Conference this week. So I had to change to next Saturday the 9 of April 2005 around the same time.

Well it is getting late and am get tired. Hugs and got Bless, Penny

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