Thursday, June 05, 2003

Well it been awhile seen I last up dated my Blog! How time flies when we are having fun. Lots have been happening since the last up date. My mother and father in law moved to Florence, Oregon we just visited them. There house is still not finished yet. They have been living in a trailer for the past 3 months, I would hate it. When we visited them, they took us out on a dune buggy ride over the sand duns. Carolann sleped the whole ride, and it was a 1-hour and a 16-minute ride. Totally awesome but hated that I got the wind burned on my face. Mike’s parents are getting dune buggies them self after they move in to the house and sell the trailer off. That will be so cool, Carolann will love it. Anyhow, Two month ago we try to get on housing. We just see the movie, and we had our first appointment this last Tuesday. Wait to hear now what next to happens.

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