Friday, November 29, 2002

Well I had the werid dream today. I dreamd sort of a bad dream. I was over a huge clift and I had to save this black rockerler. I had to save him was the scariest part. I had to crose over this big clift witch lead in to a canion. There was water in the middle but it was like a 100 feet down. This guy was on the rop and he had a seat to sit on to help me cross over to save this dog. Well guess what I did not have a seat I had to use my own hands and if I let go I would fall to my death, what a scary dream. I got to this dog in the water. But when we got to the other side I had to take him back over again. With no help but this anoing guy on the rope. I just wish I undersand this dream. Then I woke up. Luckly I did so I can have breakfast my sweat husband was cooking bacon and eggs and bread. Yum I know thats bad for my heath.

P.S. I update my webpage for everone. Click Here To See It

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